Emergency Management Australia (EMA) - Palenterra
EMSINA's 5 Capability Questions
Q1: What is the Project Scope / What is trying to be solved?
Palanterra is designed to provide the Crisis Coordination Centre (CCC) with situational awareness on natural and human-made events.
i. Enabling the quick ability to produce a map providing the location of the event and any surrounding points/areas of interest
ii. Ensures all users are making consistent products from authoritative data sources
Q2: What will be available to the EM community / decision makers at the end of your project?
The Palanterra capability (managed by Australian Geospatial Intelligence Organisation -AGO) has been developed specifically as an CCC only product. Palanterra requires input from authoritative emergency management spatial webservices as presented through EM-Link and access to Geoscience Australia and Bureau of Meteorology. Palanterra relies heavily on State/Territory data to provide near real-time access to events.
Q3: How will the EM Sector access the results?
Palanterra will remain a CCC only access product with hardcopy outputs available to the EM community.
Q4: What are the main hurdles faced in completing your Project?
i. The Palanterra platform is managed and supported by 2 people in AGO on a 24/7 basis.
ii. CCC provides 2 people to identify changes to existing datasets and new datasets and support the training of CCC staffing is utilising the capability
iii. GA supports (1 person) the Palanterra capability for the CCC through coordinating access to relevant datasets.
b. Capability improvement.
i. Further enhancements to the Palanterra platform is currently not supported.
ii. National consistency in data is essential moving forward to a new capability
Q5: What input data / work do you need from jurisdictions?
The Palanterra capability is heavily reliant on all state and territory governments to provide consistent access to data feeds through the EM-Link capability.
Other Information
Other information provided by the presenter.
Question and Answers
The following are overflow questions that the presenter was unable to answer during the meeting.