Webinar hosted by Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
1030-1200 June 2, 2022
QFES LinkedIn Post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6927033454379356160/
Direct Webinar Registration: https://bit.ly/3KWqm1b
QFES is committed to an all-hazards, comprehensive approach to disaster management. As the recent flooding and tsunami events have continued to demonstrate, our preparation and planning needs to be extended beyond the more frequent and predictable events. Low probability – high consequence events such as earthquake are possible, and we need to be prepared.
The Queensland State Disaster Risk Report considers such low probability and high consequence events and has developed resources to assist the development of local and district disaster management plans and specific hazard plans.
The aim of this webinar is to:
raise awareness of the earthquake risk in Queensland and available resources
share knowledge and experiences from local communities and disaster managers
Questions on the webinar can be directed to the Hazard and Risk Unit on the details below.
Hazard and Risk Unit
Community Resilience and Risk Mitigation
Emergency Management and Community Capability
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
P 07 3635 1606 E Hazard.Risk@qfes.qld.gov.au