Who is EMSINA?
Established in 2002, the Emergency Management Spatial information Network Australia (EMSINA) is a vibrant and active group of spatial practitioners in the emergency management sector. Members across all the EMSINA Groups are committed to improving safety for Australians through the use of sound decision-making supported by spatial information technologies. Read more...
Improve emergency management through the use of spatial information
On behalf of Australia's emergency management community, EMSINA will:
Promote and encourage the use of spatial information to support decision making
Provide strategic advice and direction on spatial issues
Facilitate the sharing of spatial information resources and knowledge
Encourage partnerships with the spatial industry.
Terms of Reference
Read the EMSINA Group's Terms of Reference
Professionalism | Innovation and Sharing | Building Networks | Education | Support | Giving Back
The EMSINA Network has evolved since 2002 into the following three business Groups. Under the one common vision and mission each Group looks to enhance and serve a particular purpose within the Australian Emergency Management spatial sector.
EMSINA National Committee
Chair 1: Rob Kirwood (New South Wales) - 2023-2025
Chair 2: Simon Webster (Queensland) - 2022-2024
Secretariat: Kane Orr (Federal) - 2013-2024
Contact EMSINA