Wow what a day for the EMSINA, Esri Australia, National Bushfire Intelligence Capability and the Digital Atlas of Australia volunteers in the EMSINA Booth.
The day was full of conversations, insights and making new (and old) connections. Some of the highlights of the day was discussions around the emerging technologies and how the data available and opened up by the participants in the EMSINA Network are contributing to the Australian Emergency Managment sector.
One of the other highlights was a long conversation with AFAC around our long standing association with AFAC and the annual conmference.
The last highlight of the day was Gala Dinner where EMSINA with hundreds and hundreds of other delgates celebrated the Emergency Management Sector and all the good work these peopl eundertake.
Day 3 is the last day on the trade floor so make sure you drop by to ask those last mninute spatial question and queries.